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In addition to scholarships, many of which are listed in the University Catalog, there are a number of student awards provided by the University, academic departments, and programs. For additional information contact the department chair. This list is maintained by the duPont-Ball Library.
University Awards
The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Awards
Each year the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award is presented jointly by the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation and by the University to students whose personal example and influence throughout the campus best exemplify the noblest human qualities. This award is presented each year to the man and to the woman in the senior class who will go forth and typify to the world the finest values that Stetson nurtures.
The Etter McTeer Turner Award
The Turner Award, which honors Stetson’s first woman dean of students, was established by the family of former Stetson President J. Ollie Edmunds through their Gualala Foundation. It is awarded for outstanding academic performance, leadership and community service and is announced at Commencement each spring. Monetary award.
The Maris Prizes for Undergraduate Scholarship Day
The Maris Awards honor Gary Maris, former Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences. This award recognizes quality scholarship as demonstrated at the University’s Undergraduate Scholarship Day. Six monetary awards were presented in 2013.
Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience
One of the ways Stetson University fosters excellence in undergraduate programs is through the SURE program, or Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience. Each year undergraduate scholars are selected in a University-wide competition for grants to work with a faculty mentor on a summer research project. For more information on the program and the current grants, see
Student Advocate for Social Justice Award
This award recognizes a Stetson University student for her or his radical commitment to social justice and effective leadership on behalf of progressive causes such as gender equity, cultural diversity, environmental sustainability, economic fairness, universal access to education and health care, global citizenship, free expression, and peace. Social justice is not charity: the recipient is recognized for the promotion of social justice for actively seeking to guarantee conditions which ensure sustenance, dignity, and self-determination. Monetary award. For more information, contact:
Committee Chair Dr. Michael A. Denner
Phone: 386-822-7265
University Honors Program Awards
Contact the Honors Program Director Dr. Michael A. Denner
Phone: 386-822-7265
College of Arts and Sciences
Africana Studies Program
The Africana Studies program offers three awards described below. Contact Dr. Susan Peppers-Bates Phone: 386-822-7587
Africana Studies Essay Competition
The Africana Studies Program sponsors the Africana Studies Essay Competition. Monetary prizes are awarded for first, second, and third best essays. All undergraduate students currently enrolled at Stetson may enter the Africana Studies Program Essay Competition. To enter, each student must submit an essay written for the competition or for a class. All entries must be received by the deadline.
Outstanding Senior in Africana Studies
This award recognizes a senior for outstanding academic performance in Africana Studies with a monetary award. Students with senior standing at the beginning of the Fall term are eligible.
The Bright House Book Award – Africana Studies
Bright House Networks sponsors this award via the Africana Studies Program at Stetson University. Two students who declare a minor in Africana Studies or who already minor in Africana Studies will be awarded a book scholarship for the following academic year. The students will receive funds each semester to help with the purchase of books for any Stetson course.
American Studies
Dian Christensen Award in American Studies
This award is for students who carry on the tradition of enthusiastic learning and joyful sharing that Dian exemplified and that she would have nurtured in her own students. In the recipient of this award, Dian’s legacy lives on. Monetary award.
“Dian Christensen (February 2, 1968 – April 4, 1991) graduated from Stetson University in 1990 as an American Studies major. She was completing her Master’s degree in Counseling and applying to graduate programs in American Studies at the time of her death in the spring of 1991. The faculty of the American Studies Department has established this award to honor her memory and to extend her influence to the generations of students whom she had hoped to teach. In her application for graduate school, Dian wrote, “The wealth of knowledge is limitless and I believe that no one can ever learn all that there is to know, but I do want to know more, to learn more, and to have the chance to share this knowledge.” Dian’s entire life, including her intellectual life, was characterized by a spirit of generosity. Every new fact that she learned, every new idea that she grasped became a gift that she shared joyfully with everyone around her. Her special love was for the broad and expansive questions that arise from the interdisciplinary method. For Dian, every lesson in history and culture was also a lesson in humanity and personal insight. She learned – and she taught – with her heart as well as her head.” Contact Dr. Paul Croce Phone: 386-822-7533
The biology department awards the Dorothy L. Fuller Award for Outstanding Senior and Outstanding Research Award. Qualified students also can be inducted into the Beta Beta Beta biology honorary society. Contact Dr. Kirsten Work Phone: 386-822-8176
Dorothy L. Fuller Award
Awarded to the outstanding senior. Dorothy Fuller was a longtime Stetson Faculty member, an outstanding teacher and the chair of the Biology Department. Monetary award. There may be multiple winners.
Outstanding Research Award
Given for outstanding research in biology. Monetary award. Not given every year.
The chemistry department presents awards each year to the outstanding students in general chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry, and also recognizes one outstanding graduating senior from the chemistry and biochemistry majors. Contact W. Tandy Grubbs Phone: 386-822-8180
American Institute of Chemists Foundation Outstanding Senior Award – Chemistry
The award is a free student associate membership in AIC for one year and a certificate. Awarded to one outstanding senior.
Chemical Rubber Corporation Award for Achievement in Freshman Chemistry
For achievement in Freshman Chemistry. The award is a CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry. It is usually given to a first-year student who has taken the entire year’s chemistry sequence here at Stetson and has done outstanding work.
POLYED Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry
An award for outstanding performance by an undergraduate chemistry major in the two-semester organic sequence offered by POLYED (National Information Center for Polymer Education). The award consists of a certificate.
Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry
This award is presented to an outstanding student in the Analytical Chemistry course. The winner must have completed the third undergraduate year before the next fall and must be enrolled as a senior in the next academic year. The award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry and consists of an eight-month subscription (October – May of the following year) to the journal Analytical Chemistry and an award certificate.
Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry
The Inorganic Chemistry award is presented to an outstanding chemistry/biochemistry major who has completed the Inorganic Chemistry course and who has future plans that include a career in chemistry. The award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society, Division of Inorganic Chemistry.
Communication & Media Studies
The department awards prizes to undergraduates including the Outstanding Senior in Communication and Media Studies, Top Senior Thesis, and the Josephine Field Davidson Award for Integrity in Journalism. Students also have the opportunity to be inducted into Lambda Pi Eta, a national honor society. Contact Dr. Tara Schuwerk Phone: 386-822-8945
Josephine Field Davidson Award for Integrity in Journalism
Awarded each year by the Department of Communication and Media Studies to the undergraduate student displaying integrity in Journalism through published work.
The Michael McFarland Award for Outstanding Senior in Communication and Media Studies
This award is named for Dr. Michael McFarland, who founded the Communication and Media Studies program when he began his long career at the university in 1988. The award recognizes a graduating senior, selected by the department faculty, who is outstanding in academics and who uses communication to contribute to the community, be it in the department, the University, or the world beyond Stetson.
Stetson art graduate Ann West Hall ’02 was not only an artist, but a patron of the arts. When Ann passed away in June 2008, she left a generous endowment to benefit students during their art experience at the University. Part of the endowment was specifically designated for the purchase of student artwork from the annual Senior Thesis Exhibition, to be incorporated into the University’s significant permanent art collection. This year (2012) marks the first year this award is being presented.
Ed Hamill Award to Outstanding Senior
In late 1979, Edwin N. Hamill, a significant donor of artwork to Stetson University, desired to establish an annual scholarship-based award to be presented to an outstanding senior art major. At the time, it was the first award of its kind for the department, and in the fall of 1980 the first award was presented.
Louis and Elsie Freund Young Artist Award
Louis Freund, artist-in-residence and Stetson Art Department Chair from 1949-1959, and his wife Elsie, an artist, art teacher, and founding member along with her husband of the Florida Craftsmen organization, wanted to leave a legacy to Stetson that would impact the lives of promising young artists. Before their deaths (his in 1999 and hers in 2001) they had left word of their intentions, and following their deaths a special endowment was established which has resulted in this special award in their honor, first presented in the spring of 2004. The award winning work becomes part of the University’s permanent art collection.
Philip Anthony Memorial Award
Stetson Art student Philip Anthony graduated in 2006. Following his untimely death in the spring of 2011, Philip’s family and friends wanted to establish something in his memory since his experience at Stetson had meant so much to him. They decided an award in his name would be fitting, and donations came in towards that end. Following the Senior Portfolio Review in the fall of 2011, four seniors became the inaugural recipients of this first memorial award. This award is now given to the outstanding studio art student at the time of the Art Junior Portfolio Review so that it can help offset the costs of materials for the student’s senior exhibition the following spring.
Ethan F. Greene Award
Presented annually starting in 2017, this program award is named in honor of Dr. Ethan Greene, a composer and sound artist who taught in the Digital Arts program from 2014 to 2015. Although his time at Stetson was cut short, he made a lasting impact on his students and colleagues. The award recognizes one student for significant achievement in the preparation and presentation of their senior project.
James Campbell Wright Award for Excellence in Technical Theatre
James Campbell Wright Award for Excellence in Technical Theatre recognizes a Theatre Arts major or minor who has demonstrated excellence in work behind the scenes. This award is given in honor of James Wright, PhD, who served as a Stetson faculty member for 39 years, from 1965 until his retirement in 2004. Dr. Wright earned the reputation of a congenial and devoted teacher, and also as a guiding force in Stover Theatre productions for over a third of its history.
Marjorie Forster Gilbert Award for Outstanding Student Performer
The Marjorie Forster Gilbert Award for Outstanding Student Performer recognizes a Theatre Arts or Communication Studies major who has demonstrated excellence as an actor or director in theatre production. Mrs. Marjorie Gilbert was a professor at Stetson from 1969 until her retirement in 1989. She was dedicated to drawing the best from her students, both in the classroom and on the stage, and her immense contribution to our Department over the years is commemorated with this award.
Outstanding Student in Economics
Awarded each year by the Economics Department.
Contact Alan Green Phone: 386-822-7571
English Department
English Department Award for Writing
C. Carter Colwell Award for Best Researched Essay
This award is given to the best researched essay written for an English course. To be eligible for this award, a student needs senior standing as an English major or minor. Contact Lori Snook at Phone: 386-822-7721.
Academy of American Poets Student Poetry Prize
This award includes a cash award and a one-year membership to the Academy of American Poets.
Sullivan Awards in Creative Writing
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Creative non-fiction
- Play writing/Screen writing
The Sullivan Awards in Creative Writing are offered every spring for the best poem, play or screenplay, work of fiction, and piece of creative non-fiction. Monetary awards are provided by the Tim Sullivan Endowment for Writing. Contact Dr. Lori Snook Phone: 386-822-7721.
Geography and Environmental Science
Students have the opportunity to join the honor society Gamma Theta Upsilon. The Gamma Theta Upsilon Excellence in Geography Award is available to outstanding geography majors in the department. The department also offers outstanding junior and senior awards. The highest honor bestowed by the department is the Rachel Carson Environmental Science Award, which honors a student who has achieved extraordinary academic success and has shown a passionate dedication to making our world a better place in which to live. Contact Dr. J. Anthony Abbott Phone: 386-822-7008
Annual awards include the Gilbert L. Lycan Outstanding Senior Award in History, the Gilbert L. Lycan Outstanding Junior Award in History, and the John Taylor Rhett Manuscript Award. Students also have the opportunity to join Phi Alpha Theta, a national honor society. Contact Dr. Leander Seah (preferred) and 386-822-7539.
The Evans Johnson Paper Prize for Phi Alpha Theta
The Evans Johnson Paper Prize, named for the esteemed professor of history, department chair, and renown raconteur who retired in 1997 after forty four years of service with the University, recognizes Stetson’s official delegate and presenter at the biennial National Conference of the Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society. This person automatically receives the Malcolm Wynn Undergraduate Research/Travel Scholarship that year.
The Evans Johnson Research Fund
The Evans Johnson Research Fund is a privately endowed restricted fund, distributed by the History Department, designated to support students who wish to conduct primary source research in national and international archives, libraries, or research institutes, and/or need to obtain research not otherwise accessible locally, online, or via the duPont-Ball Library. Funding is aimed primarily, though not exclusively, at supporting junior History majors embarking on Senior Research, normally during the summer after the junior year. Sophomore and senior majors with exceptionally strong projects might also apply. The maximum award in a given year is $2,000.00, but this sum may be supplemented by additional monies for significant expenses (e.g. international travel, lodging in an expensive location) or reduced should the recipient receive another grant for the same project (e.g., a SURE Grant).
The Gilbert L. Lycan History Award – Outstanding Junior
Gilbert Lycan was a popular and well-respected professor of History at Stetson University from the 50s through the 70s who also wrote the first history of the University. An award was established in his name to honor the outstanding junior every year within the Department of History. The award carries a monetary award and an engraved plaque, and the recipient’s name is inscribed on the permanent plaque on display in Elizabeth Hall.
The Gilbert L. Lycan History Award – Outstanding Senior
Gilbert Lycan was a popular and well-respected professor of History at Stetson University from the 50s through the 70s who also wrote the first history of the university. An award was established in his name to honor the outstanding senior every year within the Department of History. The award carries a monetary award and an engraved plaque, and the recipient’s name is inscribed on the permanent plaque on display in Elizabeth Hall.
The Colonel John Taylor Rhett History Manuscript Award
The Colonel John Taylor Rhett award is presented annually for the best research manuscript submitted to the Department of History. The award carries a monetary award and an engraved plaque, and the recipient’s name is inscribed on the permanent plaque on display in Elizabeth Hall.
The Malcolm Wynn Undergraduate Research/Travel Scholarship
The purpose of the Malcolm Wynn Undergraduate Research/Travel Scholarship, named for the esteemed professor of History at Stetson University who retired in the 90s after thirty years of service with the University, is to provide research/travel funds for History and Political Science undergraduate students. These awards assist with expenses for undergraduate students to present their research at conferences across the country.
Integrative Health Science
Scholarship & Service Award
The department awards a Scholarship and Service Award to the best all-around student with the highest GPA. Contact Dr. Laura H. Gunn Phone: 386-822-8121
Sport Management
Scholarship & Service Award
Each year the sport management department awards it most accomplished students with the prestigious Sport Management Scholarship and Service Award. Contact Dr. Matthew Wilson Phone: 386-822-8105
Latin American Studies
The Robert L. Smith Award for Outstanding Student in Latin American Studies
Awarded annually by the Latin American Studies Program in honor of Professor Emeritus Robert L. Smith. Contact Dr. Robert K. Sitler Phone: 386-822-7281.
Ashcraft Award in Mathematics
The Ashcraft Award is a cash prize that honors two outstanding juniors in the mathematics department.
Modern Languages and Literatures
The Dr. Iliana Mankin Award for Most Outstanding Modern Languages Student
The prize honors the late Dr. Iliana Mankin who taught Spanish language and literatures for fifteen years prior to her death in 2008.
Excellence in Modern Languages and Literatures – French
Awarded to the outstanding junior and/or senior in French.
Excellence in Modern Languages and Literatures – German
Awarded to the outstanding junior and/or senior in German.
Excellence in Modern Languages and Literatures – Spanish
The Spanish section of the Department of Modern Languages usually awards up to three juniors or seniors at Honors Convocation with copies of the Larousse Spanish-English Dictionary. Contact Dr. Nancy Vosburg Phone: 386-822-7278.
Lawson Scholarships
The university awards one Lawson Scholarship annually to students of unusual ability, academic achievement and commitment to principled citizenship. This award can be renewed up to four years. Preference is given to students intending to major in philosophy and/or related field within the humanities.
Ronald L. & Margaret Smith Hall Philosophy Award
Established in 2001 by Professor of Philosophy Ron Hall and his wife Maggi is a $1000 award to honor and recognize the most outstanding graduating senior in the Department of Philosophy. Given at the annual Honors Convocation each spring, a recipient is chosen on the basis of grade point average, quality of senior thesis, and intention to continue philosophical studies at the graduate level. In addition to its monetary component, the recipient has his or her name engraved on a plaque listing previous winners. The plaque is displayed on a wall outside the Philosophy Department offices. Contact Dr. Ronald L. Hall Phone: 386-822-7584.
George L. Jenkins Prize in Physics
George Jenkins was Chair of the Physics Department at Stetson for more than 20 years. His guiding hand influenced the Department with his high academic standards and his love of physics. The George L. Jenkins Prize is funded by the Jenkins family and it is awarded annually to the top student in University Physics. Occasionally, the prize is shared, if the top spot is shared and there is no clear winner. Monetary award.
The Jack Gibson Endowed Physics Research Award
The Jack Gibson Endowed Physics Research Award is presented annually to the student who demonstrates excellence in the senior research sequence. This award was established in 2008 by Physics Department alumnus Jack Gibson. Contact Dr. Kevin Riggs Phone: 386-822-8914.
Political Science
T. Wayne Bailey Award for Outstanding Senior Research in Political Science
The Political Science Department gives a prize in the Spring semester for the most well-written, original, theoretical, and best-researched Senior Research paper. Monetary award and certificate.
William Amory Underhill Award
This award is named after a beloved Stetson Alumnus who was one of the most admired lobbyists in Washington, D.C. for many years. Mr. Underhill worked tirelessly in a public service career that benefited the people of Florida. This Award in his honor recognizes the student who has most demonstrated the discipline, integrity, and desire to pursue a successful career in the public service. Contact Dr. William Nylen Phone: 386-822-7577.
Psychology Award for Excellence in Research
Open to all Psychology graduating seniors, this prize is awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated exceptional involvement with and skill in designing, conducting and presenting research during his or her academic career.
Outstanding Seniors in Psychology
Each year, the department honors several graduating seniors who have not only demonstrated outstanding performance in the classroom but have positively and deeply engaged with the department and the discipline during their undergraduate career.
Contact Camille Tessitore King, Professor & Chair of Psychology, Phone: 386-822-7093.
Religious Studies
Sam R. Marks Prize in Religion
The Department of Religious Studies awards the best research papers in biblical studies submitted for the Sam R. Marks Prize in Religion competition. This award was established by the late Sam R. Marks to encourage serious study of biblical literature. The competition is open to students in any major who have completed at least three hours in religious studies. Awards are usually granted to the top two papers, with the monetary award based on first or second place.
Outstanding Junior and Senior in Religious Studies
Every year the Religious Studies Department faculty honors one or more seniors and juniors as Outstanding Senior and Outstanding Junior. This award is given to students who are recognized for their diligence, hard work and stellar achievements as majors in the Department of Religious Studies. Contact Dr. Mitchell Reddish Phone: 386-822-8930.
Russian Studies
The Zenkovsky Prize for the Outstanding Student of Russian Language
Funded by the widow of the late Russian Studies professor and founder of Stetson’s Russian Studies Program, Dr. Sergei Zenkovsky, this prize is awarded annually to the outstanding student of Russian language. Contact Dr. Eugene Huskey Phone: 386-822-7576.
Sociology and Anthropology
The Durkheim Prize for Research Excellence in Sociology
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology grants this award for a truly outstanding senior research thesis in sociology, but it is not awarded every year. The award includes a monetary prize, a student membership to the American Sociological Association, and the student’s name on a plaque. The department’s sociology faculty members select the honoree.
The Joel Stanton Wright Sociology and Anthropology Senior Thesis Award for the Best Senior Research Project
The faculty members in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology select the best senior thesis to recognize for this award. The award includes a monetary prize and the student’s name on a plaque.
Contact the department’s chair, Dr. Diane Everett, by email at, or by phone: at 386-822-7244
Dorothy Ball Greenlaw Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to an elementary education major in their senior year who exhibits qualities of compassion and caring. Recipient will receive a scholarship award and his/her name will be engraved on the Dorothy Ball Greenlaw plaque in Davis Hall.
Edward B. Henderson Award – Education
This award is presented to the most outstanding graduating senior in the Department of Education who plans to continue his/her studies at the graduate level in the State of Florida. The recipient will receive a monetary award, a personal plaque, and his/her name will be engraved on the Henderson plaque in Davis Hall.
J. Norman & Lena B. Hobbs Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to an outstanding rising senior. The recipient will receive a scholarship award and his/her name will be engraved on the Hobbs plaque in Davis Hall.
Kappa Delta Pi Award – Education
This award is presented to a student who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and service. The recipient will receive a monetary award, and his/her name will be engraved on the Kappa Delta Pi plaque in Davis Hall.
M. Jean Greenlaw Endowed Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to an elementary education senior or rising senior who exhibits qualities of leadership and has a passion for teaching. The recipient will receive a scholarship award and his/her name will be engraved on the M. Jean Greenlaw plaque in Davis Hall.
R. L. Carter Education Award – Education
This award is presented to the most outstanding intern in education. The recipient will receive a monetary award, a personal plaque, and his/her name will be engraved on the Carter plaque in Davis Hall.
Ray V. Sowers Elementary Education Award – Education
This award is presented to the most outstanding graduate in elementary education. It is named for Dr. Ray V. Sowers, long-time professor in the Department of Education and known statewide for his work. The recipient will receive a personal plaque, and his/ her name will be engraved on the Sowers plaque in Davis Hall.
The Ruth Cobb Arnold Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to a rising senior who is interested in Exceptional Student Education and who demonstrate excellence in teaching and Christian values in everyday living.
Jack Schoep Endowed Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to junior and senior students in the College of Arts & Sciences. First preference is given to Florida residents who are majors in elementary education, followed by majors in general education.
Jean K. Morris Endowed Scholarship – Education
This award provides financial assistance and is presented to a female student majoring in teacher education.
R. Camille Dorman Endowed Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to students majoring in the Department of Education. Recipients must have graduated from a Florida high school; have met all of the entrance requirements of Stetson University; have a minimum cumulative high school G.P.A. of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale); be an active Christian, Catholic or Protestant; and be a citizen of the United States. One student per year will receive the award, and it will be renewable to that student annually if he/she maintains a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. (on a 4.0 scale).
Frank Gaylord Endowed Scholarship – Education
This award is presented to a student majoring in Teacher Education and who have financial need to attend Stetson University. The donor has a particular interest in preparing future teachers in skills needed to reach and assist students with learning disabilities.
The Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. (F.F.M.T.)
F.F.M.T. administers the Minority Teacher Education Scholarship (M.T.E.S.) program, which is awarded to minority students wishing to become teachers in Florida’s public school system.
The Harry E. and Faustene T. Gaylord Endowed Scholarship Program
Provides scholarships for students who work with learning-disabled students. Preference is given to students in the graduate program in exceptional student education.
Gender Studies
ALTO Award
The purpose of this award is to provide financial support to students to help pay for expenses associated with their senior research and/or summer internship. The research or internship must focus specifically on Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (LGBTQ+) issues.
Ann Morris Essay & Creative Writing Awards
Named in honor of the first Women and Gender Studies Coordinator at Stetson University, the Ann Morris Essay and Creative Writing awards are presented to undergraduates who submit the best writing in the categories of poetry, analytical writing, creative fiction and literary analysis.
Jacquelyn Hogue Gentry Award
Merit Award to recognize a graduating senior who has demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of women’s issues, evidenced but not limited to, work within the classroom, a senior research project or outreach efforts either within Stetson or the community. Preference will be given to a student with a Gender Studies Minor or to a Psychology major.
June Brooks Memorial Award for Community
This award was established by the Women and Gender Studies Program and is given to a student in good academic standing who best exemplifies the activism on behalf of causes related to gender, race, class or sexuality.
The department awards the Business School Foundation Merit Award for Business Administration. Undergraduate students also have the opportunity to join the honor society Alpha Kappa Psi.
Business Systems and Analytics Awards
Decision and Information Science Chair, Fred Augustine, Ph.D., 386-822-7416
Business School Foundation Kenneth Jackson Award for Decision Science
The Business School Foundation Kenneth Jackson Award for Decision Science is awarded to a deserving student excelling in one or more courses in decision science. Dr. Kenneth Jackson was a professor of finance at Stetson University and developed the Roland George Investments Program.
Business School Foundation Theodore J. Surynt Merit Award for Business Systems Analysis
This award is presented to a deserving student based on academic ability and performance. Dr. Ted Surynt was a professor of decision information sciences and a former associate dean at Stetson University. Dr. Surynt was also active in the community, serving on the West Volusia Literacy Council, United Way Board of Directors and as a Rotarian for 30 years.
Business School Foundation Eugene M. Lynn Merit Award for Finance
Eugene M. Lynn was chairman emeritus of the Lynn Insurance Group and a Stetson donor and former student. He received an honorary doctorate from Stetson in 1978 and received our most prestigious honor, the Doyle E. Carlton Award, in 1979. The recipient of this award is a graduating senior selected based on outstanding academics and contributions to the Department of Finance.
Outstanding Finance Senior Award in Investments
This award is presented to a senior in the Department of Finance for outstanding ability, service and academic performance.
Outstanding Finance Student Award
This award is presented to a junior in the Department of Finance for outstanding ability, service and academic performance.
Outstanding Senior Award in Economics
This award is presented to a senior in the Department of Finance for outstanding ability, service and academic performance.
Business School Foundation E.C. Furlong Merit Award for Management
This award is named after Edward C. Furlong, retired dean of business and professor emeritus, who served 40 years as a faculty member at Stetson University and 30 years as business dean. The award is presented to a management major based on outstanding ability and performance.
Business School Foundation Merit Award for Business Administration
This award is presented to a business administration major for outstanding ability and performance.
Business School Foundation Merit Award for Entrepreneurship
This award is presented to an entrepreneurship major for outstanding ability and performance.
Business School Foundation Merit Award for Family Enterprise
This award is presented to a family enterprise major for outstanding ability and performance.
Business School Foundation Merit Award for International Business
This award is presented to an international business major for outstanding ability and performance.
Adam Mullen Successful Student Award
This award, established in memory of former family business student Adam Mullen, is awarded each year to the students who best exemplify Adam’s spirit and passion for the Family Enterprise Center. Academic, professional and social excellence are considered during award selection.
Chris Davies Business Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is named in memory of Stetson student Chris Davies. It is presented to a rising senior in the School of Business Administration who plans a career in small business.
Monique Forte Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship, named after late professor of management and former chair of the Department of Management, is awarded to a School of Business Administration student, with preference to those with majors in Management, who has provided service to the School of Business Administration, the university and the community. The award is based on both academic ability and financial need.
Business School Foundation David M. Beights Merit Award for Accounting
David M. Beights is considered the “father” of the Stetson accounting program (He also pioneered the development of accounting programs at the University of Florida, Florida State University and Rollins College). He also served as department chair for a number of years and was inducted into the Stetson Accounting Hall of Fame in 2016. An endowed chair, the David M. Beights Professor of Accounting, was established in his name.
Business School Foundation George Putnam Memorial Accounting Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by an endowment established by the late George Putnam. The recipient is selected based on written and verbal communication skills, interpersonal abilities, and campus and community involvement. The recipient must possess uncompromising ethical and moral standards and must have a high probability of success in the accounting profession.
George Putnam Accounting Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by an endowment established by the late George Putnam. The recipient is selected based on communication skills, interpersonal abilities, and campus and community involvement. The recipient must possess uncompromising ethical and moral standards and a high probability of success in the accounting profession.
Master Life Challenger Award
These scholarships are funded by an endowment established to honor the late Joseph J. Master, a legendary Stetson accounting professor from 1964-1996 who served as accounting department chair and a University trustee, and was one of the founders of the Stetson Business School Foundation, Inc. He was also holder of the Christian Lindback Chair.
Rinker Institute Merit Scholarship
This scholarship recognizes the academic merit of students entering the Master of Accountancy program.
Stephen and Mary Beth Pullum Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by an endowment established by Stephen and Mary Beth Pullum. The scholarship is awarded to a rising accounting senior and is based on outstanding academic achievement.
FSA MAcc Student of the Year
The Federation of Schools of Accountancy Student Award Program annually recognizes an outstanding student from each full member school who is enrolled in the fifth year of a program leading to a Master of Accountancy degree designation.
Florida Board of Accountancy Clay Ford Minority Scholarship
This award was established by the Florida Board of Accountancy to encourage students to remain in school for the fifth year required to obtain a CPA license. The award is based on financial need; ethnicity, gender or racial minority status; completion of 120 hours; and Florida residency.
FICPA Educational Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
The Florida Institute of CPAs Educational Foundation, Inc. presents this award to full-time accounting students on a basis of academic achievement, financial need and demonstrated involvement in FICPA and other professional, social and charitable activities.
FICPA – George E. Shierling Platinum Endowment Scholarship Award
This scholarship, named after Stetson alumnus and active contributor to the Stetson accounting program, George Shierling, is awarded to a Stetson accounting student who plans to become a CPA and practice in the state of Florida. The award is based on both academic ability and financial need.
Leadership Awards
J.D. Bond and Charles E. Bradley Scholarship
This award is named in honor J.D. Bond, Jr. and his son-in-law Charles E. Bradley in recognition of their monetary contribution to the Foundation that established the scholarship. The Bond/Bradley Scholarship is presented to a rising senior based on high academic performance, excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Business School Foundation Paul E. Dascher Outstanding Scholar Award
The Dascher award is named after dean emeritus and Rinker Distinguished Professor of Accounting, Paul Dascher. Dascher served at Stetson from 1993 to 2012. Dascher continues to serve on the Stetson Business School Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors. The award is given to a rising senior based on outstanding academic performance.
Thomas R. Horton Award in Business
The late Thomas R. Horton was a 1969 graduate of Stetson University and member of the Stetson University Board of Trustees. He was a tireless advocate for the health and education of children. This award is given to a rising senior who excels academically, is involved in the University/community volunteer activities and is overall an exceptional student in the School of Business Administration.
Graduate Awards
Business School Foundation Graduate Business Student Award—MAcc
This award is presented to a graduate student in the Master of Accountancy program for academic performance and character.
Business School Foundation Graduate Business Student Award—MBA
This award is presented to a student in the Master of Business Administration program for academic performance and character.
Top MBA Academic Performance Award
This award is presented to a graduate student in the Master of Business Administration program for the highest academic performance exhibited in the program.
Top JD/MBA Academic Performance Award
This award is presented to a graduate student in the Juris Doctor / Master of Business Administration program for the highest academic performance exhibited in the program.
Top MBA/MS in Pharmacy Academic Performance Award
This award is presented to a graduate student in the Master of Business Administration / Master of Science in Pharmacy program for the highest academic performance exhibited in the program.
Dean’s Service Award
This award is presented each year to a graduating EMBA student. The recipient worked tirelessly “behind the scenes” and made extraordinary contributions to the school’s academic standards, operations and integrity.
Ted Surynt Leadership Award
This award is presented to a graduating student each year that has demonstrated superior leadership and significant contributions to serving the Stetson and professional business community. The award is given in honor of Dr. Surynt, the late associate dean of business administration and Executive MBA information systems faculty member who served at the School of Business Administration for thirty years.
Top EMBA Academic Performance Award
This award is presented to a graduate student in the Executive Master of Business Administration program for the highest academic performance exhibited in the program.
School of Music
Bobby L. Adams Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship provides a merit-based aware for a rising senior who is pursuing a Bachelor of Music Education in instrumental music or the equivalent. The recipient has demonstrated leadership, service and commitment to the music education program and has the goal of becoming a band director.
The Doris Williams Davis and William McClure Davis Endowed Award
The Doris Williams Davis and William McClure Davis Endowed Award was generously established by their daughter, Lynda Davis Wilson, a 1970 Stetson graduate, and her family, to honor the memories or her parents, Doris Davis, a 1942 Stetson graduate, and William Davis, a 1941 Stetson graduate. The Davis Award recognizes a graduating female senior Voice major who has had to overcome some adversity and who has demonstrated qualities such as a good work ethic and the ability to work cooperatively with students and faculty.
Harold M. Giffin Endowed Scholarship
A long-standing recognition of the choral and vocal legacy of Professor Emeritus Harold “Prof” Giffin, who taught at Stetson University for 39 years, the Giffin Vocal Competition is judged by external adjudicators and is open to juniors in the School of Music. The winner receives the Giffin Scholarship for his or her senior year.
Outstanding Senior Music Educator – Vocal & Outstanding Senior Music Education – Instrumental
The faculty recognizes outstanding music education graduates for their distinguished performance in the student internship and promise for a strong professional future.
Outstanding Senior Music Educator – Vocal & Outstanding Senior Music Education – Instrumental
Each year the School of Music recognizes senior musicians graduating in other fields after a career of significant contribution to the School of Music.
Presser Scholar
Presented to the outstanding music major prior to his/her senior year by vote of the Music Faculty, the Presser Undergraduate Scholar Award is sponsored by the Presser Foundation, dedicated solely to the support of music and music education.
Concerto Competition
Each year Juniors and Seniors are eligible to audition in the Concerto Competition. Two winners will be named and will be programmed to perform as soloist with the University Symphony Orchestra during one of their regularly scheduled concerts during the year.
Rutan-Smith Music Award
Provides a need-based award annually to help students offset the expense of purchasing professional-level brass instruments which, in turn, will help them more fully develop their musical potential.
Students can also join the international music fraternities Sigma Alpha Iota (women) and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (men).
duPont-Ball Library
The duPont-Ball Library Evans C. Johnson Research Prize
The Evans C. Johnson Research Prize is awarded each spring to a student who as a first-year college student completed a research paper which shows thorough, effective, creative, and ethical uses of the library and research resources. The winner receives a plaque donated by R. Neil Scott and a monetary award. The monetary award is given by his family in memory of Dr. Evans C. Johnson, Stetson University Professor of History 1953-1997. Dr. Johnson required students to illustrate effective use of research resources in papers for his courses, and this award is designed to reward such scholarship. Go here for more information.
The duPont-Ball Library R. Neil Scott Research Prize
The R. Neil Scott Research Prize is awarded each spring to a student who as a first-year student completed a research paper which shows thorough, effective, creative, and ethical uses of the library and research resources. Preference is given to a paper in the field of business or economics. The winner receives a plaque and a monetary award, both donated in memory of Stetson alumnus and former Stetson librarian R. Neil Scott, MBA, ’82. Go here for more information.
Wendell N. Jarrard, Sr. Award for Excellence
Contact Jeff Altier, Director of Athletics Phone: 386-822-7157.